Motivational Maps

Your happiness and success at work are partly determined by whether or not your core ‘Motivations’ are being met. These motivations are not conscious decisions but emerge from your self-concept, beliefs, expectations, and personality. As with our purpose in life, we do not ‘invent’ motivations; instead, we detect them. It is vital to go with the grain of our Motivations.

What are Motivational Maps?

Motivational maps are a diagnostic tool using technology.  

Motivational Maps are easy to use. Starting with a straightforward questionnaire, which can be completed in minutes. The tool simply questions and generates a unique, individual map to show what motivates you.

The tool automatically analyses your responses and generates a clear and easy-to-understand report that reveals your key motivators and their level of motivation. Each report also provides actionable advice on increasing motivation where it matters.

Motivational Maps is available for individuals, managers, team leaders, HR professionals and coaches:

Motivational Maps Individual (For transforming personal energy and performance)

The individual Motivational Map is a flagship product. In only about 15 minutes online, the individual can complete the diagnostic and receive a full 15-page report on what motivates them and how motivated they are. The report is practical and extremely revealing: most individuals have little idea what motivates them.

The Motivational Map report contains at least nine reward strategy ideas to help motivate individuals further. This tool unlocks for them, and for others if they choose to share, the key to high performance;’

It is ideal for individual, career and leadership development.

The more motivation we have, the more energy, so this tool not only boosts our self-esteem but increases our capability to perform at a higher level.

Use this for:

Coaching and managing staff

Performance appraisals and rewarding individuals

Recruitment and retention of staff

Benefits and Outcomes:

Enhanced self-awareness to increase motivation and performance

Improved engagement and productivity

Better career and recruitment choices and selections

Motivational Maps Team (Build on the strengths of everyone working together)

Most teams are assembled based on relevant and complementary skill sets; what motivates the individuals in the team is often not considered at all. Indeed, conflicts between individuals are often ascribed to ‘personality’ clashes. However, these clashes may well be and often are motivational in origin.

Team Maps enable leaders to determine whether the team’s energies are harmonised with the mission and whether internal conflicts need addressing. Finally, how to provide rewards that motivate the team: each report contains at least 11 actionable ideas. In short, they enable the team to perform at a higher level.

The team Map supports change management programs by improving communication with a shared language. This creates smoother transitions and staff engagement.

Use this for:

Change management programs

Engagement and reward strategies

Managing teams

Benefits and Outcomes:

Better teamwork and greater productivity

Superior leadership skills

Better recruitment choices

Motivational Maps Organisation

For STRATEGIC Motivation

In the past, you understood your organisation from a financial, marketing, and operational perspective; now, you understand it for the first time from a people’s perspective: the invisible desires of your employees are made visible through the Organisational Motivational Map.

This diagnostic takes motivation to a whole new and strategic level within an organisation. It will tell you if your values, mission and vision align with what your staff wants at each level deep within the organisation’s heart.

This is a true change management tool that enables you to quickly, accurately and usefully identify what the key people issues are for your organisation; it provides a simple and easy-to-use language that facilitates advanced communication across the organisation; and it has a rich repertoire of reward strategies to enable greater levels of motivation, performance and productivity to occur. It is the management tool for staff engagement.

Use this for:

Strategic planning: mapping people to culture, values, mission and vision

Change management requiring people alignment

Engagement and reward strategy programmes

Benefits and Outcomes:

Easy to use, understand and implement

Increased motivation, performance, productivity and employee engagement

Enhanced communication leads to more effective leadership and management

So why do I use Motivational Maps?

They are the only tool on the market which measures motivation.

The information is captured in a 15-page unique report.

They are easy to use, and within ten minutes, people understand the language of Motivational Maps® and start to use it.

Unlike a personality assessment tool, which provides information that tends to stay constant throughout your life, a Motivational Map report can be more fluid, capturing your current motivators. A report can, therefore, change depending on your current financial, emotional and physiological needs, making it a far more reactive tool.

They can be used effectively within teams by collating data across the team, department, and entire company, producing individual and team maps. This enables leaders and organisations to gain valuable insight into what drives employee culture, engagement, and performance and take action accordingly.

They are easily scalable, with online learning helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of their Map without needing face-to-face interventions. This enables organisations to roll out Maps® on a big scale cost-effectively.

They are very competitively priced.