Leadership and Management Coaching

Here at Taproot Coaching and Consultancy, I provide executive coaching that delivers the ultimate approach to leadership development – giving you the tools and strategies to lead with vision, integrity and determination – making you become the best leader you can possibly be. My coaching will help to refocus your priorities, put steps in place to achieve your desired goals and dramatically improve not only your performance, but that of your team as well.

My leadership and management coaching will help you look at business objectives, performance, current and future achievements, strengths and weakness, growth and development, as well as looking at ways to unlock your potential. This coaching will teach you how to inspire, engage and motivate your team.

Leadership and management coaching can provide a demonstrable impact, not just on your personal development, but also on the development of your team and overall business. A manager can make or break a team

Coaching leadership skills

Leadership is about inspiring those around you to succeed. There are various different leadership skills that you learn as you go, but with management coaching you can really build on these to take your leadership to the next level. With active listening, empathy, strategic and methodical thinking, your team will start to view you as the person who solves their problems.

An important part of our coaching is to identify what your leadership style is. Once I know what styles come naturally to you, we can work together to design a practical approach to harness this and increase your performance.

Who could benefit from Leadership and management coaching?

Anyone! Whether you have been a manager for 50 years or 5 minutes, you could benefit from the support and skills that coaching can bring.

Through exploring your leadership and management styles and working together to challenge your preconceptions about yourself and others, you could become a more effective, authentic leader within your team.

What types of leadership styles are there?

  • Democratic Leadership.
    • The group participates in your decision-making process. Also known as participative or shared leadership.
  • Autocratic Leadership.
    • You control the decision-making process. Also known as Authoritarian leadership, this is most common in inexperienced leaders.
  • Laissez-Faire Leadership.
    • Trusting your employees to make the right decisions, as they have the skills and experience to make the best decisions at that moment.
  • Strategic Leadership.
    • Creating a vision for your team that enables it to remain agile and adapt to changing conditions as they arise.
  • Transformational Leadership.
    • This leadership approach is one that causes change in individuals or larger systems. The goal is to develop those under you into future leaders.
  • Transactional Leadership.
    • This leadership style focuses on organisation and performance, supervising your team to ensure success.
  • Coach-Style Leadership.
    • Coach style leaders work with their teams to unlock their potential through support and training.
  • Bureaucratic Leadership.
    • This leadership style favours rigid structure and efficient systems. These tend to be found in larger companies where there are many degrees of management.

Life coaching

I didn’t have a specific goal in advance of my coaching session but this became clearer due to personal situations that were arising. Lisa helped me to talk through and offload the issues that were arising for me and their impact. I enjoyed having the opportunity to talk through the issues causing me stress at home and impacting on my work at the time. Post coaching I have reflected and thought about some of our opportune conversations and how I will respond in the future. I have needs and need to state what help and support I need from others, not just soak up managing everything myself.
Thank you for giving me the time to think and process what was going on for me Lisa. The time to think about myself and put myself first rather than everyone else.

An NHS Manager


Business coaching

I love my job with a passion and care deeply about it. I say yes to everything and everyone and work very long hours and then get told off for it! I struggle to get through lists of work in my day and then work silly hours as cant leave things undone! So, what did I need? Some coaching on how to try and achieve a better balance and how to regain control of my day! I have just had my second coaching session with Lisa. What can say? Lisa is a miracle worker! I will be honest, I wasn’t really sure if a business coach was for me and if she could help, but she has been absolutely brilliant. She has just helped me to see what essentially staring me in the face and start to get a good perspective on things. Highly recommend anyone having a chat with her. I didn’t know how much I needed a business coach until I spoke to a business coach! Thank you so much Lisa.

A busy manager wanting to achieve a better balance and gain control of her day


Career coaching

Just to let you know I’ve just been offered a graduate engineering job! I couldn’t have done it without you, giving me the confidence and helping me organise myself and sort myself out! I can’t thank you enough!

A young man wanting help to progress his career


Career & Life coaching

I did not have a clear goal before commencing the sessions. Lisa used a variety of tools which helped me to identify my priorities for the sessions. I was able to identify that achieving a work/life balance in this period after taking my pension was an ongoing challenge for me and was impacting on my wellbeing. Lisa listened intently, demonstrated by the quality of questioning which led me on my journey. I was never rushed, and was sensitively encouraged to articulate my thoughts. I also had the time to think clearly.
My biggest learning was identifying my key values, and how rewarded I can be if I find work projects that reflect these/ decline things that don’t. I will now understand and value my worth, values and wellbeing. Making work decisions based on this understanding, rather than because other people encourage me to do things that do not fit my ‘terms’.
Lisa’s manner is gentle and encouraging. I very quickly felt comfortable to explore some challenging areas and beliefs and I am delighted with the outcome. I am now empowered to express my terms to potential employers with very positive results. I make my own choices rather than be influenced by others. I highly recommend Lisa’s coaching services

Member of staff retiring from the NHS and deciding on next steps

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